Writing on the wall

Profound perspectives on mundane happenings, smattered with a helping of humour.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Some common Tamil words with two meanings

கலை - art; scatter  
காலை - morning ; leg (accusative case)
மாலை - evening ; garland ; Lord Vishnu (accusative case )
ஆடு - goat ; dance
நாடு - country ; seek
நடு - central ; plant (verb )
அன்னம் - swan ; food
மெய் - truth ; body
தாள் - paper ; foot
சித்திரை - star ; month
நூல் - thread ; book 
படு - endure /undergo ; lie down
படி - read ; step
பாய் - leap ; mat
மடி - fold ; udder
குடி - drink ; family
திங்கள் - Monday ; month ; moon
கல் - stone ; learn
முயல் - rabbit ; try
முடி - hair ; finish
பொறி - fry ; spark
நீர் - water ; you (with respect )
தடி - stick /cane ; thick /fat
தட்டு - pat ; plate
விடை - answer /reply ; good -bye
இடை - middle ; waist
பொருள் - thing ; meaning
கடை - last ; shop
கால் - quarter ; leg
பால் - milk ; gender
ஏடு - cream ; paper
மதி - to respect ; intellect
கடலை - peanut ; sea (accusative)
ஆறு - to cool down ; six
எட்டு - eight ; reach
அடி - beat ; foot
மக்கு - stupid ; decay
ஊசி - needle ; to go stale
மஞ்சள் - turmeric ; yellow
வாசம் - residence ; smell
காய் - dry ; vegetable
காயம் - wound ; body
தை - month (Jan -Feb ); stitch
இடம் - left ; place
பார் - see ; world


  • At 8:59 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    It is very help full to me to do my project . I thank you very much

  • At 6:49 am, Blogger Shafi MI said…

    You can add:
    நட்ட - planted; lose

  • At 6:50 am, Blogger Shafi MI said…

    You can add:
    நட்ட - planted; lose

  • At 10:29 pm, Blogger theostein said…


  • At 1:10 am, Blogger Hema Sudarsan said…

    Thank you for your comments. There are many more that have been missed.

  • At 8:42 pm, Blogger Unknown said…


  • At 8:59 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    Thank you so much.It is very useful for me to do my daughter project.These are very familiar and common words we are using in our daily life.

  • At 12:56 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    thank you very so much it is very usefull

  • At 12:50 am, Blogger Ramesh R said…


    Thanks a lot for posting this. Nice translation as well

    Very useful for a blogger like me. www.kaveripak.com

  • At 7:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    Keep it up. Good collection

  • At 11:12 pm, Blogger Unknown said…


  • At 5:52 pm, Blogger jeysuriya said…

    It is very help full to me to do my project . I thank you very much thank you

  • At 8:24 am, Blogger Theenesh said…

    Thank you☺️


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