Some common Tamil words with two meanings
கலை - art; scatter
காலை - morning ; leg (accusative case)
மாலை - evening ; garland ; Lord Vishnu (accusative case )
ஆடு - goat ; dance
நாடு - country ; seek
நடு - central ; plant (verb )
அன்னம் - swan ; food
மெய் - truth ; body
தாள் - paper ; foot
சித்திரை - star ; month
நூல் - thread ; book
படு - endure /undergo ; lie down
படி - read ; step
பாய் - leap ; mat
மடி - fold ; udder
குடி - drink ; family
திங்கள் - Monday ; month ; moon
கல் - stone ; learn
முயல் - rabbit ; try
முடி - hair ; finish
பொறி - fry ; spark
நீர் - water ; you (with respect )
தடி - stick /cane ; thick /fat
தட்டு - pat ; plate
விடை - answer /reply ; good -bye
இடை - middle ; waist
பொருள் - thing ; meaning
கடை - last ; shop
கால் - quarter ; leg
பால் - milk ; gender
ஏடு - cream ; paper
மதி - to respect ; intellect
கடலை - peanut ; sea (accusative)
ஆறு - to cool down ; six
எட்டு - eight ; reach
அடி - beat ; foot
மக்கு - stupid ; decay
ஊசி - needle ; to go stale
மஞ்சள் - turmeric ; yellow
வாசம் - residence ; smell
காய் - dry ; vegetable
காயம் - wound ; body
தை - month (Jan -Feb ); stitch
இடம் - left ; place
பார் - see ; world
At 8:59 am,
Unknown said…
It is very help full to me to do my project . I thank you very much
At 6:49 am,
Shafi MI said…
You can add:
நட்ட - planted; lose
At 6:50 am,
Shafi MI said…
You can add:
நட்ட - planted; lose
At 10:29 pm,
theostein said…
At 1:10 am,
Hema Sudarsan said…
Thank you for your comments. There are many more that have been missed.
At 8:42 pm,
Unknown said…
At 8:59 am,
Unknown said…
Thank you so much.It is very useful for me to do my daughter project.These are very familiar and common words we are using in our daily life.
At 12:56 am,
Unknown said…
thank you very so much it is very usefull
At 12:50 am,
Ramesh R said…
Thanks a lot for posting this. Nice translation as well
Very useful for a blogger like me.
At 7:00 pm,
Unknown said…
Keep it up. Good collection
At 11:12 pm,
Unknown said…
At 5:52 pm,
jeysuriya said…
It is very help full to me to do my project . I thank you very much thank you
At 8:24 am,
Theenesh said…
Thank you☺️
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