English is a funny language

A street-sign in Chennai reads: 2st Street. The painter of signs (no connection to the painter of signs) must have thought, "1st" is to "1", hence "2st" is to "2". I don't blame him. Some of the rules of English are counter-intuitive.
Thinking of 1st, 2nd, 3rd in other languages, I think only Malayalam and Esperanto(also this) are the rare languages where there the connection between the words for "one" and "first" is evident.
At 8:57 am,
రామ ShastriX said…
Remember one local iron fellow listing his services as "Iorn".
At 9:26 am,
Sudarsan said…
That is why the Northies pronounce "Iron" as "I run" to ensure correct spelling.
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